A.T. Kochergin1, S.V. Zhukova2, Ye.Yu. Malygin3
1 Kerch Branch (“YugNIRO”) of the Azov Research Institute for Fisheries, the RF, Kerch, Sverdlov St., 2
E–mail: kochkerch@mail.ru
2 Azov Research Institute for Fisheries, the RF, Rostov-na-Donu, Beregovaay St., 21 V
E–mail: svezho51@gmail.com
3 Russian State Hydrometeorological University, the RF, Saint Petersburg, Malookhtinsky Prospect, 98
E-mail: malygin–egor@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-1-63-68
UDC 551.46.062.5.(262.54)
Based on the multi-annual data on salinity and vertical thermohaline stability of the waters in summer seasons of 1992–2016, inter-annual variability of these parameters has been analyzed for different areas of the Sea of Azov. Trends, cycles, magnitudes have been identified, zoning of the sea in line with the pattern of temporal variability of salinity and vertical thermohaline stability has been carried out. The years that were pivotal for trends in inter-annual development of the analyzed parameters were specified, as well as the areas of their relatively high and low dynamics of temporal variability.
Keywords: the Sea of Azov, salinity, stability, inter-annual variability, trend, repeating pattern.
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