N.I. Matova
Branch of Institute of Natural and Technical Systems,
Russian Federation, Sochi, Kurortny Av., 99/18
E-mail: lelj06@yandex.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-1-125-132
UDC 303.425.4
The purpose of the reconnaissance sociological survey, among other things, is to identify how tourists perceive different types of recreation in terms of their impact on the environment. This is necessary to determine the environmental considerations of tourism that are important for consumers, that is a basis of formation of conscious demand for a green tourist’s product. An important role by the drawing-up of public, municipal, state programs regarding the ecologization of tourism and improving their efficiency can play the results of research on the factors that form the environmental friendliness of behaviour.
Keywords: green tourism; sociological survey; environmental consideration; environmental friendliness of behavior; environmental awareness.