The hydrogeological model of the trans-shoredischarge of karstic groundwater in south-western part of Mountain Crimea on the example of the Katsiveli site

A.S. Boguslavsky, S.I. Kazakov, E.E. Lemeshko, I.G. Berzova

FSBSI Black  Sea Hydrophysical  Proving Ground of RAS, 298688, urban settlement Katsiveli, Rep. Crimea


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-2-71-79

UDC 556.332.012:(551.444:556.168) (477.75)+(262.5)


   Using the hydrogeological model developed by the authors, conditions for the formation and trans-shore discharge, including submarine, of karst groundwater in the southwestern part of the Mountainous Crimea, were studied using the example of the Katsiveli site of the southern slope of the Ai-Petri Plateau and the coastal zone. It is shown that the main ways of rapid filtration and the possible submarine groundwater discharge from the Ai-Petri Plateau are sub-meridional zones of increased conductivity along the limestone accumulation zones and displaced rock massifs associated with deep tectonic irregularities along the boundaries of volcanogenic and terrigenous complexes of the investigated area.

Keywords: groundwater, water exchange, karst, modeling, discharge, Mountain Crimea, sediments, limestone outliers, coastal zone.

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