O.V. Marchukova, E.N. Voskresenskaya
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: olesjath@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-2-80-85
UDC 551.465.635, 551.555.1, 551.465.7
The comparative study of two La-Nina events registered in 2016-2017 и 2017-2018 is done in the paper. It has been shown that analyzed events are of two different types from the point of view of El-Nino-Southern oscillation space classification. La-Nina – 2016 is of the Central Pacific type, while La-Nina – 2017 is of the Eastern Pacific type event. Their differences both in the character of space-temporal evolution and negative SST anomaly location during the mature event phase are demonstrated. It has been noted, that SST anomaly sustainably existing during several months was poorly expressed.
The manifestations in air temperature fields of the Atlantic-European region associated with analyzed events were studied in the paper too. It was found that in November-December 2016 there was air temperature decreasing with strong anomaly up to -5°C over the Europe, especially its South-West. It was due to Azor high intensification and Siberia high tongue propagation to the West; while La-Nina 2017 was accompanied by warm air temperature anomaly in these months, reaching +5°C over the most of Europe as a result of East-Atlantic and North Atlantic oscillations weakening.
Keywords: La Nina, Atlantic-European region, climate responses, air temperature, El Nino – Southern Oscillation.
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