V.I. Shvetsova
Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: lerasevas@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-2-101-108
UDC 62-523.8
A methodical approach to optimizing the ergatic control and protection system of an explosive and fire hazardous object, based on a system analysis of the synthesis of large technical systems is presented. The article considers the structural decomposition of the system into elements in the form of subsystems, modules, blocks in order to determine their reliability and efficiency, and, according to them, the system as a whole.
A sequence scheme for determining the reliability of an ergatic system is presented as a generalized pointer of its effectiveness, which includes six stages. The mathematical apparatus for assessing the reliability of the technical part of the ergatic system for monitoring and protecting an explosive object is described on the basis of the well-known provisions of the theory of reliability. The integral objective function of the ergatic fire safety system is formulated. It is shown that the complete practical optimization of the structure of an ergatic system is achieved at the stage of criterion-parametric optimization by an integral criterion in the form of an objective function, which also includes economic characteristics.
The proposed new methodological step-by-step approach for predictive assessment of the optimality of the structure of an ergatic system is based on taking into account the features of both the protected dangerous object and the properties of the system itself adaptive to it.
This methodology allows developers and designers of ergatic control and protection systems for hazardous facilities, along with the lack of statistical data (calculated estimates), to make final structural decisions based on their intuitions, practical experience and theoretical awareness, which is called expert assessments.
Keywords: ergatic control system, optimization, reliability, efficiency.
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