A.E. Shchodro1, A.N. Sorokin2
1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: alexeugn@ya.ru
2198 SRC MD of RF, Sevastopol
E-mail: vip.parfyan@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-3-69-78
UDC 551.46.06
Some methodological bases for calculating sediment inflow to the beach coast, internal balance of sediments in a certain area, changes in its configuration over time, and coastline dynamics are presented. The method for determining the discharge of sediments coming from the open sea is based on the works of I.O. Leontiev, in which assumptions are made regarding the properties of sediments, climatic features of the considered region of the sea coast, the morphological properties of the coast, etc. Sediment flow rates are related to the probabilities of individual particle separation from the bottom surface. It is the theoretical construction determining the relationship between the separation probability and the kinematic characteristics of the flow that constitutes one of the aspects of this work. Operational measurement systems that are developed include the measurement of bottom sediment concentration velocities, as well as the velocities and directions of their movement. At the same time, the theoretical constructions presented in this paper will allow more reasonable interpolation and extrapolation of measurement data in order to obtain a forecast of long-term deformations of the coast and will allow choosing the best empirical ratios for the sediment flow carried by waves on the coast. A system of longitudinal wave damping through structures of the “Comb” type was installed near the city of Kaliningrad. The experience of its work has shown good wave damping, drifting by sediments of the space between the coastline and structures, and its good environmental characteristics.
Keywords: control of bank deformations, probability of particle separation, sediment flow, bottom velocity.
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