A.G. Klimenko, A.V. Dologlonyan, V.T. Matveenko
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: kag1958776@gmail.com
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-3-62-68
UDC 621.43.052
The work analyzes methods for increasing the efficiency of internal combustion engines related to their forcing and impact on the work process (increase in supercharger, cooling of supercharger air, electronic control of fuel supply and gas distribution, regulation of the compression ratio, use of special gas intake devices on gas engines, etc.).
The increase in the efficiency of internal combustion engines, in turn, is associated with ensuring the completeness of fuel combustion, increasing efficiency, and, therefore, reducing the share of exhaust gas emissions into the atmosphere relative to the generated power, that is, a dual task is solved – increasing both the fuel and environmental components of efficiency.
Considering that the main articles on harmful emissions into the atmosphere relate to the sectors of the electric power industry and transport, the circuit solutions of cogeneration plants and their impact on the effective and environmental characteristics of ICE are considered. Rework of internal combustion engine gas outlet duct is proposed by installation of turbocharger utilizer downstream of gas outlet system. The above technical proposals in this study will be prioritized for ICE.
An analysis of the calculated data indicates that with a significant decrease in fuel consumption (exhaust gases) by almost 10%, the increase in the power of the plant with a turbocharger heat exchanger is quite noticeable. Therefore, we can state a decrease in the amount of exhaust gases relative to the value of the increase in power.
The proposed schematic solution for the modernization of cogeneration plants based on internal combustion engines has shown the feasibility of its use at small generation facilities and in the field of transport.
Keywords: cogeneration, energy, internal combustion engine, gas engine, efficient characteristics, environmental characteristics, of turbocharger utilize.
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