Implementation of observations at regular meteorological stations for mass balance calculation of mountain glaciers (case study of Djankuat Glacier, Central Caucaus)

О.О. Rybak1,2, Е.А. Rybak2,1

1Branch of Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Sochi, Kurortny Av., 99/18


2Sоchi Scientific Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sochi, Theatralnaya St., 8a


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2017-3-100-108

UDC 551.89 551.583.7


   To evaluate incoming and discharging parts of mass balance of a mountain glacier, one needs information on a set of variables. Surface air temperature can be relatively simply related to series of observations on regular weather stations. Evaluation of incoming mass is much more challenging problem. It depends not only on the amount of solid precipitation but also on post-depositional snow redistribution by wind and by input of avalanches. In the paper, we consider issues of evaluation of specific mass balance of Djankuat Glacier (Central Caucasus). Results of mathematical modeling are collated with snow observations and with examination of snow pits. We demonstrate that it is possible to find a relation between poorly constrained parameters determining winter snow accumulation to satisfactorily reconstruct cumulative mass balance.

Keywords: mountain glacier, Caucasus, climate, accumulation, ablation, mass balance, mathematical model.

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