Scientific basis of environmental and climate monitoring methods |
A.B. Polonsky, A.V. Torbinskii, A.V. Gubarev. The mechanism of the formation of the Indian Ocean dipole |
5 |
V.P. Evstigneev, V.A. Naumova, N.A. Lemeshko. Non-stationary statistical estimation of wind speeds of rare recurrence in the Azov and Black Sea region |
15 |
N.A. Lemeshko, V.P. Evstigneev, A.P. Morozov, V.A. Rusakov. Applicability of GCMs for evaluation of agro-climatic properties of local territories |
23 |
Methods for monitoring the natural environment and man-made objects |
O.A. Stepanova, P.V. Gaisky, S.A. Sholar. Selective sensitivity of the Black Sea microalgae to viral infection after exposure to a constant magnetic field |
31 |
O.V. Mashukova, M.I. Silakov, L.V. Malahova, A.V. Melnik. The impact of polychlorinated biphenyls on the bioluminescence rates of the Black Sea ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz (Ctenophora: Lobata) |
39 |
Technical means of environmental monitoring systems |
V.A. Gaisky. Hydrostatic differential meter of local density of natural waters |
50 |
Systems of environmental monitoring |
P.D. Lomakin, Yu.N. Ryabtsev, A.I. Chepyzhenko. Research of sources and distribution of suspended matter in Omega Bay (Crimea) based on expeditional data and numerical simulation |
59 |
Е.А. Rybak, О.О. Rybak. Analysis of regional features of water consumption structure in the North Caucasus. Part 2. Problems of water use optimization |
68 |
A.V. Skatkov, V.I. Shevchenko, E.N. Mashchenko, O.V. Chengar. Modeling of environmental monitoring data processing in a cloud infrastructure |
79 |
Algorithmic and software support in environmental monitoring systems |
D.V. Moiseev, N.E. Sapozhnikov. Application of non-positional representation of information in environmental monitoring systems |
89 |
A.M. Lyakh, I.V. Agarkova-Lyakh. Relational model for storing ecologico-biological expedition data |
98 |
A.N. Grekov, Y.E. Shishkin, S.S. Peliushenko, A.S. Mavrin. Construction of object boundaries for the autopilot of a surface robot from satellite images using computer vision methods |
107 |
A.V. Skatkov, A.A. Bryukhovetskiy, D.V. Moiseev, I.A. Skatkov. Swarm intelligence in the problems of detecting anomalies and states of natural-technical systems and objects |
119 |
Information and metrological reliability of environmental monitoring systems |
V.P. Rudnev. Study of the influence of environmental factors on the optical parameters of transparent thermoplasts |
127 |
Alphabetical index of authors |
133 |