Assessment of impact of Adlersky landfill of solid municipal waste effluent to the river Herota biocenoses

N.К. Gudkova, Т.L. Gorbunova

Branch of the Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sochi, Kurortny Av., 99/18

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DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2017-3-115-121

UDC 574.632


   Impact of polluted effluents from solid municipal communal waste landfill to changes of river Kherota biocenoses had been investigated. Thorough analysis of the previous data, which describe this reservoir’s ecological problem, was made, the key risks connected to the waste dump were identified and conditions of the benthos and periphyton macrozoobetos communities were studied along the river’s flow. Basing on the results of hydrobiological analysis, it is found that the biocoenoses of the assessed reservoir are degrading from its upper flow to mouth, starting from the point of waste dump effluents discharge. Although Adler’s waste dump of town Sochi is officially closed, it is continuing providing negative impact to the ecosystem of river Kherota, which flowing into the Black Sea. Application of biological research methods allowed comprehensive assessment of the pollution affects on living organisms in river and determine the impact area of the landfill.

Keywords: solid municipal communal waste landfill, integrated monitoring, biocoenoses, environmental hazards, saprobity, species composition.

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