O.A. Stepanova
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: solar–ua@ya.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-2-99-108
UDC 578.4(262.5)
The influence of environmental factors on the micro biota (microalgae, bacteria, viruses) of the hydrosphere has not been studied enough, and the impact of the physical parameters of our Planet, which depend on the Cosmos and its constituents (activity of the Sun and phases of the Moon), is particularly interesting. Knowledge, understanding and study of the response of aquatic viruses and microorganisms in their bio associations to the effects of external environment factors are actual and needed, taking into account variability of their characteristics and scales of spreading, which should effect global processes, including circulation of organic carbon, changes in the atmosphere (role in the circulation of CO2, O2 and dimethyl sulfide – bioactive gas, which plays an important role in formation of clouds), and hence the climate. It was found that knowledge about the influence of environmental factors on the micro biota of the hydrosphere and the possible effects of viruses and viral lysis on certain physical parameters of the hydrosphere needs additional research.
Key words: hydrosphere, environmental factors, microalgae, bacteria, viruses.
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