On control methods of green plantings condition in urbanized territories

M.V. Volkodaeva, Ya.A. Volodina

Institute of Design, Ecology and Hygiene,

RF, St. Petersburg, Medikov Av., 9, lit. B, 17N

E-mail: m.volkodaeva@yandex.ru

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-4-65-70                                                

UDC 504.064.3    

EDN: https://elibrary.ru/speyxa


Analysis of currently used methods for assessing the condition of green spaces during environmental monitoring has shown that the main research method is visual control. The development of the monitoring system is due to the need to obtain prompt, reliable and accurate data on the state of plants in urbanized areas.

Thus, the use of a resistography in addition to already used methods will make it possible to more accurately determine the age, assess the general condition of the tree by the presence of rot in it, and identify the presence of wood-destroying fungi. The photometry method, by obtaining information about the photometric stress index, allows one to assess the condition of green spaces at different stages of damage and determine the stressed state of the flora before the appearance of visual signs. Due to fluorimetry, it becomes possible to obtain data on the condition of plants based on the characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence and assess the degree of anthropogenic load on the environment. The use of a pulsed tomograph during monitoring results from the need to identify the processes of decay of tree trunks and roots. The condition of green plantings also directly depends on the condition of the soil. In order to assess soil salinity during observations, the conductometric method of analysis should be used.

Based on the results of this work, it was concluded that the introduction of instrumental methods of analysis into the system for monitoring the condition of green spaces will make it possible to obtain the most important information about plants, preventing possible negative processes caused primarily by anthropogenic activities.

Keywords: green spaces, soil, monitoring, resistography, photometry, fluorimetry, tomography, conductometry.

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