P.D. Lomakin, A.I. Chepyzhenko
FRC Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2024-1-71-81
UDC 504+551. 465
EDN: https://elibrary.ru/gepabm
Based on the data obtained during expeditions carried on in 2008–2019, and a series of coastal observations, the features of the field structure of the colored dissolved organic matter of anthropogenic nature and the temporal variability of the concentration of this substance in the Balaklava Bay and the adjacent water area of the Black Sea are analyzed. The sources and factors that form the coastal zone of distribution of the analyzed substance are considered. It is shown that in the study area the main sources of anthropogenic colored dissolved organic matter are represented by river and storm runoff, as well as by the release of domestic wastewater from Balaklava. In the waters of the shallow part of the Balaklava Bay, the constant presence of anthropogenic colored dissolved organic matter is revealed with a concentration approximately 2 times higher than the natural norm, which increases significantly during snowmelt and heavy rains. The overflowing of the Balaklavka River in February-March was accompanied by a sharp increase in the concentration of colored dissolved organic matter up to 9-10 mg/l and the input of other pollutants into the bay. During showers and rains of medium intensity, the concentration of the studied substance in the bay apex reaches 5–6 mg/l. Within 3-5 days after the end of rains, the concentration of organic matter decreases to the average value for dry weather. It is revealed that wastewater from Balaklava, whose collector is located above the upper boundary of the seasonal thermocline, freely penetrates to the sea surface throughout the year, forming a maximum concentration of the substance under consideration in the 0–5 m layer.
Keywords: colored dissolved organic matter, anthropogenic impact, river runoff, precipitation, Balaklava Bay, Black Sea.
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