UDK 551.583
P 49
Climate change: myths and reality / A. B. Polonsky-Sevastopol: Institute of natural and technical systems, editorial and publishing Department 2020 – 223 p.
The purpose of this book is to answer in an accessible form the main questions related to one of the key civilizational problems of our time – the problem of climate change. To answer these questions, we have used facts and information generally accepted in the professional community, the validity of which does not cause serious doubts among the vast majority of specialists. Considerable attention is paid to the discussion of the relative role of natural and anthropogenic factors in shaping the observed variability of the climate system. The paper assesses the effectiveness of international efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions and the adaptation strategy to minimize the negative effects of climate change. It is addressed not only to narrow specialists in the field of Earth Sciences, but also to a wider range of readers, including students of higher educational institutions.
Reviewer: corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Dobrolyubov S. A.
Approved for publication by the Scientific Council of the Institute of natural and technical systems.
DOI: 10.33075/978-5-6044196-5-6
ISBN 978-5-6044196-5-6