Energy and environmental characteristics of distributed power plants based on gas turbine engines

A.G. Klimenko, A.V. Dologlonyan, V.T. Matveenko

 Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-4-98-103

UDC 621.43.052                                                       


   This work focuses on a promising direction for the development of distributed energy facilities based on gas turbine engines.

   The fuel economy effect of a combined plant compared to the separate production of the same amount of heat and power results from replacing a part of the fuel burned in the boiler with energy recovered from the exhaust gases of the gas turbine generator engine.

   In this way, the reduction of harmful emissions consisting of nitrogen oxides and carbon are reduced in proportion to fuel economy. The number of fuel combustion products, the main components of which are carbon dioxide and water vapors, is also reduced.

   Special attention is paid to improving energy efficiency, which is a key factor in saving energy resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

   Distributed power facilities are made on the basis of gas turbine (GTP) and piston engines. GTP for electric power generation are produced in the Russian Federation on the basis of aircraft and ship engines developed by the Russian industry and have the necessary range of powers.

   The work shows that cogeneration technologies (simultaneous production of electric and thermal energy in one plant) in combination with flexible methods of energy redistribution between thermal and electric one is one of the effective ways to improve fuel efficiency at the energy generation stage. At the same time, emissions of combustion products and, therefore, greenhouse gases are reduced. It is shown that the relative consumption of carbon oxides is an indicator that adequately characterizes the environmental friendliness of the energy complex providing a local object.

Keywords: gas turbine engine, cogeneration, recovery boiler, combustion products.

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