E.O. Savkova1, O.V. Chengar
1State Higher Education Institution «Donetsk National Technical University», Donetsk, Artem St., 58
E-mail: helen-savkova@rambler.ru
Federal Public Autonomous Educational Institution of the Higher Education «Sevastopol State University», Russian Federation, Sevastopol, University St., 33
E-mail: OVChengar@sevsu.ru
UDC 627.01
The article analyzes the work of measuring system for monitoring of hydrophysical fields of the aquatic environment when choosing a plan for vertical probing based on the calculation of the thermocline size and depth of the lower weakly-gradient layer and algorithm is used the definition of turbulent bursts on exceeding the gradient of the measured data of a zero level.
Keywords: monitoring of hydrophysical fields, the gradient of the measured parameter, weakly-gradient layer, thermocline, mixed layer, the vertical temperature profile.