M.V. Nacheva, E.N. Voskresenskaya
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russia, Sevastopol, Lenin str., 28
E-mail: mari.nacheva@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-2-128-132
UDC 543.061
The results of the studying a qualitative composition of the gas-air mixture formed during the heat treatment оf drill cuttings of the Black sea shelf are presented in the paper. This experiment and a comparative analysis of the formation of gases are carried out during the heating of drill cuttings in two temperature regimes 450°C and 800°C. Significant qualitative difference between formed gases has been found. This difference expresses itself in the proportions shift between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide associated with heat treatment temperature from 2:3 CO/CO2 under the 450°C influence to 1:8 under the 800°C. The experimental conclusions form important basis for developing methodic for thermal utilization of drill cuttings, determining optimal temperature and identifying the main air pollutants in order to create a system of atmosphere protection against the secondary pollution.
Keywords: drill cuttings, qualitative composition, gas-air mixture, heat treatment, recycling, environmental safety.
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