N.M. Ivaniutin, S.V. Podovalova
Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea”,
Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Kievskaya St., 150
E-mail: redkolya@mail.ru, podovalovas@list.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-3-140-146
UDK 628.1.033/ 628.171.033/ 556.11
The present work assesses the water from sources of the centralized and not centralized water supply in different regions of the Republic of Crimea and which are used by the population of the peninsula for drinking needs. This water monitoring is performed from the point of view of physiological full value of water and with identification of possible public health risks. The outdated inventory and cleaning methods of water treatment stations do not provide necessary level of quality of potable water. Inhabitants of many settlements, especially in the steppe and northern Crimea, are forced to use water from underground sources, having increased mineralization (up to 2 g/dm3 and more) and rigidity.
To achieve the objective the water samples have been taken from the different water sources (tap water and different types of wells), covering a southeast part of the peninsula, their chemical composition has been defined and also the comparative analysis of the received mineral composition of water has been made to assess their physiological usefulness and to assure compliance with regulations SanPiN,, GN
The comparative analysis of morbidity statistics of the Crimea in 2014-2016 showed that the separate diseases can be related to the low-quality water use, so f.E. the diseases of urinogenital system in 2014 were at the 3rd place in the pattern of morbidity in the Crimea and in 2015-2016 they take already the 2nd place. This class of diseases emerge and develop generally because of the raised mineralization, rigidity and pollution of potable waters by heavy metals. These diseases are especially characteristic among country people and also are bound to usage of underground water sources. Also in this period of time a significant increase in the incidence of diseases of the digestive system has been noted from 21942 to 29020 episodes, it means 32% more, what might be considered as contamination of drinking water supplies.
According to the researches conducted in the Simferopol district of the Republic of Crimea it was established that water of the main supply from the surface-water resources is more relevant to standard ratios of physiological usefulness and to the SanPiN, than underground waters from non-centralized rural water sources, which are characterized with the increased рН value, rigidity and also the content of ions of calcium, magnesium and other components and can exert negative impact on health of inhabitants using such water .
The received results of assessment of drinking water used by the population in the southeast part of the Crimea showed that the studied potable water does not fully comply with the physiological usefulness and the norms of the SanPiN on mineral structure, only the content of calcium, potassium and sodium is optimal. Additional water treatment is necessary to ensure the usefulness of drinking water.
Keywords: drinking water, physiological value, underground water, Republic of Crimea, chemical composition.
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