P.V. Gaisky
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: gaysky@inbox.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-1-43-53
UDC 628.19; 573.7; 681.2
An independent experimental experience of observations of marine mussels (Black Sea mussel Mutilus galloprovincialis) since 2008 in the coastal zone and of freshwater mussels (pearl Unio pictorum) since 2014 at the river water intake point when developing and maintaining automated bioelectronic complexes at control facilities allowed accumulating data on valve activity in various natural conditions.
The analysis of the data obtained determined statistical and methodological regional (Crimea) estimates of the valve activity of biosensor mollusks, including annual seasonal and climatic variability, daily and semi-daily periodicity and attenuation against the background of chronic toxicosis, starvation and physiological aging.
Studies show that the main indicator of chronic pollution in water bodies for the developed automated biomonitoring systems is the level of group valve activity, which, in case of environmental toxicity, has a pronounced trend towards decline. Inter-annual variability can be analyzed by meeting a number of requirements for the composition and conditions of use of reference groups of mollusks, as well as by considering climate changes. The informativity, from the point of view of autonomous long-term automation of the control process, daily and semi-daily seasonal rhythms is quite doubtful, because they are unstable in the natural environment and depend on a number of natural factors unrelated to toxic pollution. It can be concluded that the main purpose of bioelectronic monitoring systems remains operational analysis and integrated indication of sudden impacts.
Keywords: bioelectronic control, bivalve mollusk, biosensor, bioindicator, bio-sensor, pearl, Black Sea mussel.
To quote: Gaisky, P.V. “Possibilities of Analysis of Chronic Contamination of Water Sources Using Bioelectronic Systems with Bivalve Mollusks.” Monitoring Systems of Environment no. 1 (March 25, 2021): 43–53. doi:10.33075/2220-5861-2021-1-43-53.
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