O.A. Stepanova1, P.V. Gaisky2, S.A.Sholar2
1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: solar-ua@ya.ru
2FRC Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2
E-mail: sa.sholar@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-3-31-38
UDC 577.35. 578.4. 57.08. (262.5)
Literature data indicate both a potentiating and a depressing effect of magnetic and electromagnetic fields on the growth and development of microalgae cultures. This is likely to be due to the nature and distinctive mechanisms of magnetic and electromagnetic effects, as well as to the specific features of microalgae and their selective sensitivity. There is still insufficient information on the effect of magnetic fields on microalgae, in particular on the Black Sea microalgae.
The aim of this work is to reveal the fact of the effect of a magnetic field on the selective sensitivity of the hosts of algal viruses (the Black Sea microalgae of various species) to viral lysis.
By experiment, using a developed laboratory installation, we studied the change in the sensitivity to viral infection of the cultures of three species of the Black Sea microalgae (Tetraselmis viridis, Dunaliella viridis and Phaeodactylum tricornutum) after exposure to a constant unidirectional magnetic field with a magnetic induction of 600 G. With the duration of the experiments 24 h and 48 h, it was recorded that exposure to a magnetic field resulted in an increase in resistance to viral lysis in T. viridis, its decrease in P. tricornutum and no changes in D. viridis. We assume that the revealed changes in the sensitivity of microalgae to viral infection after magnetic loading are due to their specific features and selectivity.
Further studies will be aimed at establishing the role of the seasonal factor in changing the sensitivity to viral infection of microalgae after exposure to a magnetic field and will be carried out with an expansion of the spectrum of electromagnetic effects and the species range of tested microalgae cultures and algal viruses.
Keywords: Black Sea microalgae, selective sensitivity, constant magnetic field, algal viruses, viral infectious titer.
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