V.V. Melentyev, I.V. Matelenok, A.S. Smirnova
Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, RF, Saint-Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaia St., 67A
Е-mail: vv.melentyev@mail.ru, igor_matelenok@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-2-18-26
UDC 504.064.3/528.88/551.467
In the paper, the authors consider the issues of information support for monitoring the ice situation in the Arctic waters using microwave remote sensing satellite instrumentation. By the proposed version of the visual representation of radar images (patterns) of objects it is possible to graphically express the spatial variability of the reflectivity of the earth surface and identify areas with specific ice formations, phenomena and processes. Based on the archive of satellite data from the Sentinel-1 spacecraft, a set of synthesized radar images was formed, illustrating examples of various ice conditions. In accordance with the chosen way of parametric description of radar images based on this data set a database of object signatures was compiled by a number of water areas of the marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean. The visualized part of each of signatures includes descriptive statistics, correlograms, Fourier images, and textural feature histograms. Synthesized images and text-graphic descriptions of radar images served as the basis for creating a digital information product – an atlas of radar signatures of ice formations, phenomena and processes. The atlas is a hierarchically organized set of html pages that provide interactive visualization of object signatures. This information product can be used as an independent reference handbook for decision makers based on ice monitoring data and used in conjunction with ice information systems.
Keywords: Arctic, ecologically significant phenomenon, ice formations, interactive atlas, SAR signature, synthetic aperture radar.
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