Operational detection of local gas anomalies in the coal zone of mines affecting occurrence of volume methane explosions

N.I. Kovalev, L.I. Lukina, S.V. Soldatova

 Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Sevastopol State University”,

RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya, St., 33

E-mail: kowalew49@yandex.ru

 DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-2-73-83

UDC 622.81:550.83                                                                                          


   The aim of the work is to detect the ways of migration of methane along tectonic faults to coal seams with the formation of local gas anomalies from deep-seated natural gas deposits located within the boundaries of the mining allotment of mines, their effect on the gas hazard, as well as the development of additional measures to prevent instantaneous gas explosions in mines.

   To study the mining allotments of the mines, the method of remote cosmogeological reconnaissance and the resonant-test field equipment of the “Poisk” geophysical complex (developed by SevSU) was used, which allows remote determining of the depth of local gas anomalies up to 5000 m, their thickness and gas pressure in each anomaly (horizon). The results of the study were confirmed by drilling wells or by comparing the data obtained with the actual state of the gas hazard and tectonics of mining allotments. Geophysical equipment “Poisk” has previously been successfully used for remote search of deep-seated oil, gas and various ore deposits, including offshore oil and gas deposits.

   In this paper, an analysis of the causes of volumetric methane explosions in coal mines was carried out and the practical data obtained showed the high efficiency of the “Poisk” equipment for the operational remote search for local gas anomalies in the coal-bearing zones of mines and the selection of points for drilling advanced wells.

Keywords: coal mines, gas explosions, tectonic faults, gas migration, degassing wells, drilling of a coal seam.

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