L.I. Osadchaya, E.I. Azarenko
Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: e.i.azarenko@yandex.ru, lila1809@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-2-67-72
UDC 504.06:504.4.054
The work presents calculations performed and values recommended for the standards of permissible impact (SPI) on the input of chemical and suspended mineral substances into the Baidarka river, considering natural and climatic features of the region and natural and technogenic situation resulting from economic activities. SPI for the most unfavorable conditions of the formation of water quality characteristics under the impact of existing and potential sources of pollution are established.
Based on the performed calculations the following conclusions are made:
– formation of the chemical composition and water quality of the Baidarka River which is a tributary of the Black River, occurs under the conditions of aid climate, complex terrain, altitudinal zonality, a significant variety of drainable rocks and soils, influenced by anthropogenic load and low water availability on the territory, which makes it necessary to limit the input of pollutants;
–to date, from fourteen substances studied, the actual discharge into the river from controlled sources exceeds the established SPIchem. only for nitrites;
–when operational management and monitoring of water quality in a water body are needed, the assessment of regulatory compliance with the requirements of the SPIchem., on results of any calendar year, should be adjusted in accordance with the water availability in a particular year.
Keywords: standards of permissible impact (SPI), controlled sources of pollution, volume of lateral in-flow, river runoff, flood period, limiting period, water quality standards.
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