Determination of the level of eutrophication of small rivers in the area of influence of the industrial city

I.V. Ovsyannikova, L.R. Asfandiyarova, G.V. Khakimova, M.S. Luzina

Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering FSBEI HE «Ufa State Petroleum

Technological University» in Sterlitamak,

RF, Sterlitamak, Oktyabrya St., 2


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-2-92-97

UDC 543.97                                                                                          


   Studies aimed at determining the eutrophication coefficient of the Sterlya River were carried out in order to test the developed method for determining the eutrophication coefficient of surface rivers. Water sampling from the Sterlya River was performed in February, April, October 2018 and May 2022 within the city of Sterlitamak. As a test object, according to the method, watercress seeds were used. The choice of this plant is due to the sensitivity of three parameters (seed germination, length and dry weight of seedlings) to environmental toxicity.

   Seed germination in samples taken in 2018 varies within 97–100%, in 2022 – 93–98.3%. The smallest length of seedlings was recorded in the sample taken in February 2018. In all samples, with an increase in the dilution ratio, the length of seedlings increased. The maximum growth of watercress seedlings in undiluted samples was observed in April 2018: this dependence was due to the beginning of snowmelt, which led to an increase in the amount of nutrients, as a result of which eutrophication factors affected the average length of plants. The obtained results indicate that the most sensitive parameter is the average length of seedlings, which is confirmed by reliable correlation coefficients.

   It should also be noted that there are no methods for quantitative determination of the level of eutrophication. The use of this technique turned out to be suitable for quantitative determination of the level of eutrophication, taking into account the simultaneous processes of toxication and eutrophication of water bodies.

Keywords: small rivers, eutrophication, biotesting, germination, correlation, toxicity, test object.

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