I.I. Kazankova
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: ikazani@bk.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-2-108-115
UDC 574.24:504.064.36
Mytilaster lineatus is a massive bivalve mollusk of the Black Sea coastal ecosystems. Recently, under the conditions of climatic changes that have not bypassed the Black Sea region, it has significantly replaced another mutilidae, mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, in the rocky biotope of the Crimean coast. The control of the potential recruitment of the Black Sea populations of these species under changing conditions is one of the elements of ecological monitoring. When assessing the mussels and mytilaster recruitment rate unified artificial substrates with a hairy surface are used. The substrates are exposed in the water column at different depth horizons for a certain period of time. The distribution of mytilaster post-larvae on the surface of control substrates, as well as their size composition in comparison with the previously obtained results for the M. galloprovincialis mussel was analyzed. A similarity in the distribution of post-larvae of mollusks was found. This is expressed in an increased density of their post-larvae on the upper edge of the substrate, which may indicate similarity in the behavior and vital needs of mussel and mytilaster post-larvae. Compared to the mussel, the post-larvae of the mytilaster were smaller and their size composition changed more strongly with depth. Practical absence on the control substrates of a large number of mytilaster post-larvae longer than 1,0 mm may indicate a low probability of mass secondary settling of the mollusk and the possibility of not taking this phenomenon into account when monitoring the mytilaster potential recruitment in the Black Sea. The results obtained should be taken into account when improving the methods for monitoring the potential recruitment of the studied mollusks and developing more effective ways of recording mussel and mytilaster post-larvae on control substrates.
Keywords: mytilaster, mussel, recruitment, post-larvae, edge effect, secondary settling.
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