A.G. Klimenko
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: kag1958776@gmail.com
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-2-123-129
UDC 621.43.013
In this paper, it is shown that thermodynamic calculations of the processes of mixing and combustion of fuels are key in the development of appropriate structural elements of diesel internal combustion engines (ICE) (mixing devices, combustion chambers, intake and exhaust bodies, valve timing regulators, mechanisms regulating the angle of advance of fuel supply, etc)
Modern methods of calculation of internal combustion engine working processes are analyzed. Key directions of application of these methods and ways of their improvement in analytical assessment of specific heat capacities, on which effective and ecological parameters of ICE depend, are determined. The calculation of heat capacities is an important component in thermodynamic calculations of internal combustion engines, since the accuracy of assessing the thermodynamic properties of working bodies, which change during the entire cycle, depends on this parameter in the future.
Methods of analytical calculation of heat capacities of working bodies in ICE are analyzed, recommendations on their practical use, resulting in the smallest error in calculations, are given. These methods are used to compile reference tables of heat capacities of working bodies. The advantages of the selected method are shown and, on the example of comparative analysis, recommendations on its use in calculations of thermodynamic parameters of ICE are given.
Based on the results of the work, conclusions and recommendations are made regarding the feasibility of using a refined mathematical model for the analytical determination of heat capacities of working fluids in the ICE calculation programs, which will significantly increase the reliability of the results of thermodynamic calculations. This, in turn, will improve the assessment of the thermal, environmental and effective components of the ICE working processes.
Keywords: modelling of working processes, internal combustion engines, methods of calculating heat capacity, effective and environmental parameters.
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