A.A. Egorkin
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: egorkin1974@yandex.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-2-43-49
UDC 504.064.2
The article presents methodological approaches to the integral assessment of the atmospheric air quality in the Sevastopol region using the methods of factor analysis. For the analysis, calculated and statistical data from 2019 to 2022, characterizing the region under study, were used. The obtained results allow us to assess the state of atmospheric air quality in dynamics over a long period of time and suggest ways to increase the efficiency of environmental safety in the region.
To test the methodology, an analysis of data characterizing the sources of the negative impact on the region was carried out. By the expert way, based on the analysis of literary sources and regulatory documents, partial estimates were selected for the assessment of atmospheric air quality and the assessment of the total impact of factors was carried out using the partial Harrington desirability function. The values of the desirability function of partial assessment estimates obtained graphically or analytically were used in calculating the generalized indicator as a convolution of partial desirability functions.
Analyzing the course of the study, the following can be highlighted: – the results obtained indicate a satisfactory ecological state of the air in the region; the use of various methods together give a more accurate assessment of the studied territory; the transboundary transport of pollutants (CAMS data) and the local specificity of the region are taken into account.
The proposed methodology of geoecological assessment can be used by a decision-maker in the field of environmental safety for using in a computer expert system that allows storing, processing, analyzing large volumes of environmental data.
Keywords: geoecological assessment, atmospheric air quality, generalized desirability function, ecological technological capacity of the territory.
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