In memory of Gaisky Vitaly Alexandrovich

The Editorial Board of the journal “Environmental Control Systems” (SKOS) is deeply saddened to announce that on July 22, 2023, at the age of 86, the founder and permanent deputy editor-in-chief of our journal, an outstanding scientist and honored inventor Vitaly Alexandrovich Gaisky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, chief researcher, head of the Laboratory of Hydrophysical and Bioelectronic measuring systems and Technologies of the Institute of Natural and Technical Systems.

Vitaly Alexandrovich created the national school of marine and environmental instrumentation and for many years was its permanent head. Being an extremely productive scientist and the author of more than 340 scientific papers, including 7 fundamental monographs, he was very active in inventive activity. This is evidenced by the 77 patents he received for inventions.

V.A. Gaisky was the scientific director of many projects on academic and interdepartmental state programs, as well as a number of experimental design works commissioned by the Hydrometeorological Service. Under his leadership, the concept of building a state automated system of environmental water control was developed.

Vitaly Alexandrovich actively participated in the training of highly qualified scientific personnel. He was a member of several dissertation councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations, the head of the academic branch of the Department of Technical Cybernetics of SevNTU.

I would especially like to mention the role of Vitaly Alexandrovich in organizing the annual international conference “Environmental Control Systems”, of which he was chairman of the organizing committee for many years. It was the works of the participants of this conference that began to be published in the form of the first collections of SKOS articles. In the future, SKOS was transformed into a periodic quarterly scientific and technical journal, which Vitaly Alexandrovich deservedly considered one of his very significant achievements. Considering his vast experience in organizing the publication of periodical scientific and technical journals and monographs, Vitaly Alexandrovich was invited to join the editorial boards of a number of journals and collections of works, to which he always reacted constructively and quickly with his usual benevolence and enthusiasm.

The editorial board of the SKOS magazine expresses sincere condolences to the family, friends, friends and colleagues of the deceased. We have lost a true friend and mentor, an outstanding Scientist and Person. And this is truly an irreparable loss.

Editorial Board
