Yu.A. Tunakova 1, S.V. Novikova 1, A.R. Shagidullin 2, V.S. Valiev 2
1Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev – KAI,
RF, Kazan, K. Marks St., 10
2Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy
of Sciences, RF, Kazan, Daurskaya St., 28
E-mail: juliaprof@mail.ru, artur.shagidullin@tatar.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-3-133-140
UDC 502.15
As part of the climate agenda, the task of calculating the concentrations of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) is solved. The calculation of CO2 concentrations by standard methods of dispersion calculations is not possible due to the lack of necessary data on the parameters of emission sources. Therefore, when creating a calculation model, traditional and innovative intelligent calculation technologies are combined. The created model has a cascade structure. The use of carbon monoxide concentration CO calculated using a consolidated database of city emission parameters, meteorological conditions, determining the processes of impurity distribution, transformation coefficient (TC) and ozone concentration (O3) as input parameters is justified. The step-by-step method of calculation is developed. At the first stage, a regulated method for calculating CO concentrations at the point under study is used. The second stage is the neural network correction of the results obtained at the first stage with a significant increase in the accuracy of CO concentration calculations. At the third stage, neural networks that directly calculate the CO2 concentration are used. At this stage, TC and O3 concentration are added as predictors to take into account atmospheric transformations. The choice of the neural network that performs the calculation at the third stage is made depending on the assignment of the input data tuple to one of the three blocks identified as a result of clustering using Kohonen’s self-learning neural networks. Approbation of the model is carried out on the example of Nizhnekamsk and Kazan cities. Average model error over the entire data set was less than one percent – 0.87%.
Keywords: emission, neural network, hybrid model, calculation of concentrations, carbon dioxide.
To quote:
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