Climate  trend  assessment  of  pH  value  in the surface water of the open part of the Black Sea taking into account the limited observational data

A.B. Polonsky, E.A. Grebneva

Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-3-27-41

UDC 551.464.6/465.7(262.5)                                                                                     


Based on archival observations of pH values in the period from 1977 to 1996 and data of expeditionary studies carried out over the period 2019 -2022, the climate trend of the pH value in the surface waters of the open part of the Black Sea is assessed. Under the conditions of limited and spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the available observational data, in order to minimize the error in calculating the trend, a methodology taking into account the patterns of the spatial distribution and intra-annual variation of the pH value for surface waters of the deep-water part of the Black Sea is developed. According to the methodology, at the first step, with the asynchrony of the survey data, a correction was made for the intra-annual dynamics of the pH value in the deep part of the Black Sea. After the first correction of the pH values, at the second step, a correction was carried out taking into account the spatial heterogeneity of the pH field and the lack of observations of the pH value during the survey period in a significant part of the deep-water area of the sea. Further, it was determined that two samples (namely, samples of archival data and expeditionary measurements) belong to the same general totality. Thus, according to the available combined data on the pH value, it is possible to obtain representative statistical estimates, including the calculation of the trend value. The linear trend calculated by the standard least squares method turned out to be significant. The significance level of the trend was determined by Student’s t-test (at p=0.05). As a result, it was found that the trend of changes in pH values in the surface layer of the deep-water area of the Black Sea is close to the trends observed in other regions of the open parts of the World Ocean, slightly exceeding them in absolute value. The pH values in the surface waters of the inland sea decreased in the period from 1977 to 2022 at an average rate of about 0.024 pH units/10 years.

Keywords: deep-water part of the Black Sea, surface layer, pH value, spatial and temporal inhomogeneity of pH data, pH climate trend.

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