O.A. Stepanova1, S.A. Sholar2, M.N. Penkov1
1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: solar-ua@ya.ru
2FRC Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2
E-mail: sa.sholar@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-4-34-40
UDC 577.35. 578.4. 57.08. (262.5)
EDN: https://elibrary.ru/speyxa
At the laboratory of Hydrophysical and Bioelectronic Measurement Systems and Technologies of the Center for Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Energy of the Institute of Natural and Technical Systems (LHBMST CEISE INTS), experiments were continued to study the effect of the electromagnetic field (EMF) on marine microbiota.
The purpose of the research was to study the effect of EMF on marine microbiota using an improved laboratory setup with a maximum frequency of 300 Hz and a signal level of 125 mV (B = 0.5 G).
The microalgae culture Tetraselmis viridis and the algal virus strain TvV-SI-1 of this microalgae were used as the studied marine microbiota.
An increase in infectious titer by 1–4 orders of magnitude after exposure to EMF with given characteristics, recorded for the first time in the experiments, is likely to be related to a temporary decrease in adhesion of virions (viral pfrticles), since this may result in disruption of electrostatic forces and mechanisms of the adhesion effect.
The inhibitory effect of EMF on marine microbiota was determined by a decrease in the viral infectious titer sometime after the cessation of exposure to the electromagnetic load and an increase in the sensitivity of microalgae to viral lysis.
The first revealed fact of an increase in the infectious titer of algal virus after exposure to an EMF with a frequency of 300 Hz and a signal level of 125 mV (B = 0.5 G), in our opinion, requires additional research. Work in this direction will continue, using algal viruses both with and without pronounced adhesion of virus to virus.
Keywords: electromagnetic field (EMF), microalgae culture Tetraselmis viridis, Black Sea algal viral strain TvV-SI-1.
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