I.V. Agarkova-Lyakh
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: iva_crimea@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-4-86-93
UDC 551.435 (262.5+477.75)
EDN: https://elibrary.ru/speyxa
A typification of the underwater coastal slopes of the Black Sea coast of Crimea is carried out according to their slope and width. Four types of underwater slopes have been identified: first – very narrow steep (width <0.6 km, slope >0.030); second – narrow moderately deep (width 0.6–1.1 km, slope 0.030–0.018); third – wide flat (width 1.1–2.8 km, slope 0.018–0.007); fourth – very wide very flat (width >2.8 km, slope <0.007).
It is established that the matter exchange on very narrow steep and narrow moderately deep underwater slopes and adjacent shores has low quantitative values, with the dominance of the removal of matter beyond the coastal zone and the formation of local low-power alongshore sediment flows. Wide gentle and very wide very gentle underwater slopes and adjacent shores are characterized by high quantitative rates of metabolism, with the participation of bottom material in the accumulation of beach sediments, as well as the formation of significant and extensive alongshore sediment flows.
The existence of morphogenetic relationships between the types of underwater slopes and adjacent shores is established. Thus, underwater slopes of the first and second types are confined to abrasion shores; the main part of them is located within the boundaries of the Meganticlinorium of the Crimean Mountains and experiences positive tectonic movements. The third type corresponds to the abrasion shores of the platform and mountain structures of Crimea, which have multidirectional, predominantly positive tectonic movements. The fourth type is characteristic of accumulative, abrasion-accumulative and abrasion shores, mainly platform structures, with negative tectonic movements.
It is found that with increasing width and decreasing slope of underwater slopes, the width of Crimean beaches increases.
Keywords: paradynamic complex, matter flows, abrasion terrace, width and slopes of the underwater slope, morphogenetic relationships.
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