L.I. Lukina, D.V. Moiseev, V.P. Evstigneev, D.Y. Voronin
Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: DVMoiseev@sevsu.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-4-78-85
UDC 630.2(470-13):[504.2:614.84]
EDN: https://elibrary.ru/speyxa
In this paper, the dynamics of forest fires in the Sevastopol forestry for the period 2015–2023 is considered, the annual number of fires, the type of fire, the area of ignition, the causes and the class of burnability are analyzed. The good training of fire extinguishing equipment and personnel of the forestry and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Sevastopol in detecting and extinguishing forest fires was noted. The causes of ignition in almost all cases are the human factor (careless handling of fire, un extinguished fires, etc.), however, attention is drawn to the fact that in recent years natural causes of ignition have become more frequent, which include the ignition of dead wood in abnormal heat, and the class of burnability has also increased.
One of the main natural resources of the Crimea is the forest. The main factor in the reduction of forest areas in the Sevastopol forestry is forest fires, so the problem of organizing the protection of forests from fires is urgent. In accordance with the forest legislation, the main territorial unit is the State Institution “Sevastopol Forestry”, which is entrusted with the protection, development, use and reproduction.
The objectives of the work were: analysis of the measures taken for the fire-fighting arrangement of forests, monitoring of the number of fires, causes of fires and their area, the burnability of forests.
The paper concludes that it should be noted the good training of fire extinguishing equipment and personnel, the well–established work of the staff of the Sevastopol Forestry Department and the staff of the main Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Sevastopol. Thanks to their competent and organized work, all natural fires in the forests during the analyzed period were detected in a timely manner and extinguished in a short time – no more than a day from the moment of detection.
Keywords: forest fires, Sevastopol forestry, area of fires, burnability, fire prevention measures.
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