A.G. Klimenko

Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28

E-mail: kag1958776@gmail.com

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-4-135-141

UDC 621.43.013             

EDN: https://elibrary.ru/speyxa


The article analyses mathematical model of calculation of thermal,effective and environmental parameters of gas piston diesel engines of well-known companies of both foreign and domestic manufacturers for adequacy of it.

Selection of materials and technical specifications from official sites of the most well-known and popular producers and suppliers of gas piston engines, analytical and reporting materials (a total of 56 gas piston systems with internal combustion engines, of which nine are Russian) is performed.

The article analyses modern methods of calculation of operating processes of internal combustion engines (ICE), determines key directions of application of these methods and ways of their improvement in the analytical evaluation of specific heat capacities of working bodies of combustion engines, on which their effective and environmental parameters depend.

Based on the results of work ,conclusions and recommendations on the relevance of implementation of a refined mathematical model of thermal, effective  and environmental parameters of gas piston engines in the ICE calculation programs are made. The proposed mathematical model of thermodynamic calculation of the GPA with sufficient accuracy corresponds to the data of manufacturers on the of thermal, effective and environmental parameters of the engine performance. Calculations of errors of the mathematical model show high accuracy, sufficient for solving further research tasks. The proposed mathematical model of calculation of thermal, effective and environmental parameters of gas piston engines can be used as a base for further research of ways of improvement of working cycles, as well as modernization of existing GPE samples.

Keywords: thermal calculation, gas piston diesel, foreign manufacturer, domestic manufacturer, thermal, efficient and environmental parameters.

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