О.О. Rybak1,2, Е.А. Rybak2,1, P.А. Мorozova3,1
1Branch of Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Sochi, Kurortny Av., 99/18
E-mail: orybak@vub.ac.be
2Scientific Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sochi, Teatralnaya St., 8a
E-mail: elena.rybak@gmail.com
3Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Vavilova St., 39
E-mail: morozova_polina@mail.ru
UDC 551.89 551.583.7
Considerable areas in Central Caucasus are covered with debris. When thickness of the debris layer exceeds certain threshold value, it serves as a kind of insulator for underlying ice. In case thickness of the debris layer is lower than the threshold value, it amplifies melting rate of ice. For the purpose of monitoring and prediction of state of mountain glaciers and for accurate calculation of ice run off it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of heat exchange processes of debris-covered areas. Mathematical model described in the paper aims at correct simulation of mass balance of a mountain glacier partially covered with debris layer of varying depth.
Keywords: mountain glacier, Caucasus, climate, mass balance mathematical model, monitoring, prediction.
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