V.V. Melnikov1, A.V. Melnik2, L.A. Melnik1, Yu.B. Belogurova2, V.F. Juk2
1 Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
Е-mail: sevlin@rambler.ru
2 Institute of Marine Biological Research, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Nakhimov Av., 2
Е-mail: melnikalexand@gmail.com
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-2-44-51
UDC 574.583(262.5)
The paper describes the structure of the historical electronic database on the Atlantic and Indian oceans, Mediterranean and the Black seas bioluminescence for the period from 1968 to 2017, created by the staff of the Department of Biophysical Ecology, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (now IMBI RAS) under the leadership of Dr. E.P. Bityukov and Dr. Sci. Yu.N. Tokarev. The database have been created for generalization, systematization, statistical analysis and visualization of information on marine bioluminescence and background characteristics of environment (temperature, salinity and turbidity). The new data-base provides an ability to build spatial distribution maps for different parameters, vertical profiles and horizontal sections, queries for retrieving the necessary data, queries on data from different record groups, queries with calculations for database fields, cross-requests to obtain necessary information.
Keywords: bioluminescence, database, plankton, ecology.
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