I.O. Kirienkova, L.A. Nichkova, A.V. Lvov
Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E–mail: nichkova@sevsu.ru, KirienkovaIO@sevastopolteplo.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2019-3-132-137
UDC 504.433
The purpose of this study is to find the solution to the problem of water supply on the example of the Crimean peninsula. The objectives of this work are: the analysis of alternative sources of water supply, the study of groundwater quality, the justification for the choice of stages of water treatment.
The study identified the following options that would allow in the shortest possible time to provide an adequate amount of fresh drinking water on the Crimean Peninsula, namely, the desalination of sea water, the use of reservoirs, the extraction of groundwater. The Crimean peninsula, due to its climate and topography, has large reserves of groundwater. The greatest amount of operational groundwater reserves (about 40% of all groundwater reserves in the Crimea) belongs to the North-Sivash artesian basin. Significant reserves of groundwater belong to the Alma artesian basin. The operational reserves of this field are approved under the USSR, and these reserves will last for a long time.
Based on the above, we can conclude that the optimal source of water supply on the Crimean peninsula is groundwater, with its reserves being sufficiently large, but many sources still remain unexplored. The use of groundwater is not expensive but water analysis showed that not all the water is bacteriologically pure and therefore it needs disinfection. Also, hardness salts are revealed, so it is necessary to soften the water.
The advantages of disinfection in an electrolysis unit using sodium hypochlorite are described in detail in the work. As a softening step, cationization is proposed as the most efficient and economical method. This cleaning method can be applied not only in Crimea, but also in other regions of Russia.
Keywords:water supply source, aquifer, disinfection, sodium hypochlorite, softening, drinking water quality.
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