About the need for greening individual vehicles

A.N. Odintsov, I.V. Sevrikov, L.A. Nichkova

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “Sevastopol State University”, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33

E-mail: sev_gy@mail.ru

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2020-1-86-94

UDC 629.0202


     The annual population growth is 92–93 million, which means that within the period of 12–13 years, the world population is increasing by an average of 1 billion people. Along with the population growth, the number of cars increases as well. In 2013, the total number of vehicles exceeded already 1 billion and keeps on growing steadily. At the same time, the share of passenger, mostly personal automobile transport is about 75%. The amount of gross emissions of harmful substances from mobile sources, primarily from vehicles, can reach 40-60% of stationary sources. So, for example, in Sevastopol, the mass of emissions from seven main pollutants from mobile sources can reach 1.2–- 1.8 thousand tons / per year, which is a quite high pollution indicator for the recreation area.

     As a result, the coefficient of technical use of personal automobile transport has been estimated, the average value of which is only 0.02 – 0.125. Such a low value of the coefficient of technical use indicates that most of the time the car is not used for its intended purpose, but mainly occupies a significant part of the public space. With the simultaneous use of a large number of cars during rush hours, there is a significant decrease in the speed of the traffic flow, that  leads to an increase in the amount of harmful emissions by 2 to 4 times.

     The issue of reducing harmful emissions can be partially solved with the widespread using of environmentally friendly, compact individual vehicles. During investigation various structural schemes of individual vehicles in terms of the occupation of free space and the safety of their using are considered. The analysis performed according to these criteria shows that the most optimal solution is a scooter with an electric drive. The objective of further research is to identify weight and size parameters, assess the battery capacity and analyze the optimal power of the electric motor (motor-wheel) for using in urban environments.

Keywords: increase in the number of cars, parking problems, air pollution, compact individual vehicle, electric scooter.

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[IEEE] A. N. Odintsov, I. V. Sevrikov, and L. A. Nichkova, “About the need for greening individual vehicles,” Monitoring systems of environment, no. 1, pp. 86–94, Mar. 2020.

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