Е.А. Averianova
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: eisal@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-4-38-44
UDC 551.583.13
The features of the spatial distribution of climate values and the coefficients of linear trends of total turbulent heat fluxes are revealed, based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for 1950-2020 for the Atlantic Ocean. Variability of total turbulent heat fluxes is investigated on scales of more than 10 and more than 30 years. A comparison with the statistical characteristics of the (H+LE) time series for the period 1950–2001 presented in [Bazyura E.A. et al. On the low-frequency variability of turbulent heat fluxes in the World Ocean area // Monitoring systems of environment. 2009. P. 305–308] is made. It is shown that an increase in the length of time series by 19 years does not fundamentally change main features of mean (H+LE) values of spatial distribution. When period of averaging changes, the values of the mean (H + LE) change too, these changes are most pronounced at high and middle latitudes and in the western parts of subtropical anticyclonic gyres. It is revealed that for a longer time series (1950–2020), the areas covered by isolines of trends with a significance > 95% is 15% larger than for a shorter time series (1950–2001). Trends significant at 95% of average annual total heat fluxes level at most part of the Atlantic Ocean are negative, except for the western parts of anticyclonic gyres and the area of the Arctic sea ice edge. This confirms the idea that warming in the lower troposphere, driven by increasing global warming, is damped by the continued weakening of turbulent heat fluxes at the ocean-atmosphere interface. It is confirmed that the maxima of the low-frequency variability of the total heat fluxes correspond to North Atlantic deep-water mass formation region, and the Arctic sea ice edge area.
Keywords: Atlantic ocean, turbulent heat fluxes, climate variability, reanalysis.
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