Control of potential mussel recruitment taking into account some environmental parameters in Sevastopol estuarine zone

I.I. Kazankova, A.V. Klimenko

 Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-4-45-54 

UDC 574.24:504.064.36 


   When studying the recruitment of the Black Sea mussel population Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 by juveniles, it is important to know the hydrological and hydrochemical conditions of the aquatic environment that directly or indirectly affect the planktonic part of the population, settled larvae and post-larvae formed on the substrate. This paper presents the results of the study of potential mussel recruitment and some physico-chemical characteristics of water (temperature, salinity and pH) in the Sevastopol estuarine zone in 2020-2021. Substrates were exposed and water samples were taken at three depth levels: 1–3, 7 and 11 m. The data obtained showed that in the spring of 2021, compared with the previous year, there was an order of magnitude increase in the potential recruitment of the mussel at all depth horizons studied. This increase was preceded by a relatively mild winter. Moreover, there was a decrease in salinity compared to 2020 and an increase in the vertical variability of the thermohaline water structure. The obtained data may indirectly indicate some improvement of environmental conditions, contributing to the increase of the Black Sea mussel productivity in 2021. The experiments aimed at determining the potential recruitment of mussels at different depth horizons revealed the need to improve the method of measuring the parameter. For this purpose, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of vertical migration of larvae and post-larvae to the water surface.

Keywords: mussel larvae and post-larvae, settling, recruitment, vertical migration, depth horizons, temperature, salinity, hydrogen index.

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