A.G. Klimenko1, V.A. Ocheretyaniy2
1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: kag1958776@gmail.com
2 Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-2-61-72
UDC 621.43.052
This work is concerned with the problems of decarbonization of energy and transport in the Russian Federation. The work considers and analyzes the legal and environmental aspects of the problem of adverse consequences of climate change on the planet, in the Russian Federation. The problems of reducing the greenhouse effect are considered taking into account the geographical position of the Russian Federation, as well as the state of the fuel and energy sector of the economy. The main sources contributing to the greenhouse effect are shown to be sectors such as transport and energy. Targets and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the field of energy and transport are established.
The authors propose an option for the development of electric thermal energy in the city of Sevastopol, criticize the existing policy, which does not contribute to solving emissions reduction problems, but, in some cases, even has the opposite effect.
The authors proposed an option for the development of energy and transport considering the peculiarities of the geographical position of the Russian Federation, as well as the current development of the energy sector and the problems associated with the mass transition of road transport with internal combustion engines to gasious fuel. The advantages of such a transition are shown, taking into account the full life cycle (from car production to refueling).
Based on the results of the work, conclusions are drawn, which highlighted the current directions for the development of energy and transport in the Russian Federation:
– improvement of the energy efficiency of all energy and transport sectors using efficient technologies for the production and use of gas, as well as the utilization of combustion products;
– development of new technologies in the production and consumption of electricity and heat at small energy facilities (cogeneration, multigeneration, etc.);
– development of hybrid power plants with integrated renewable energy sources;
–improvement and development of legal and economic mechanisms that stimulate the transition of internal combustion engines to gaseous fuel;
– improvement of the efficiency of gas engines.
Keywords: emissions reduction, decarbonization, energy, transport, low carbon technologies, internal combustion engine, gas engine.
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