Impact of the East-Atlantic oscillation on pH anomalies in the upper layer of the open part of the Black Sea

A.B. Polonsky, E.A. Grebneva

Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-1-15-26

UDC 551.464.6/465.7(262.5)                                                                                            


   The impact of one of the main space-time modes in the ocean-atmosphere system of the Northern Hemisphere – East Atlantic oscillation (EAO) on the pH anomalies in the surface waters of deep part of the Black Sea is analyzed. Using the technique of difference composites and archival data from 1957 to 1996, it is shown that in the winter period the EAO has a significant effect on the pH anomalies of the upper layer of the Black Sea. From November to February, in the negative phase of the EAO, a positive average seasonal anomaly of the pH value is obtained (average for the inner sea area is about 0.09 pH units). When the EAO phase is positive (EAO+), the pH anomaly is negative and, on average for the water area, exceeds (in absolute value) –0.08 pH units. So, the difference between the pH anomalies on the sea surface from November to February in the positive and negative EAO phases is about –0.17 pH units. Moreover, during the period of the positive phase of the EAO in the field of the spatial composite, negative pH values prevail almost throughout the entire water area, and significant areas of negative pH composite values are established in the eastern and western parts of the sea, where a sufficient number of measurements has been made. The obtained patterns of spatio-temporal variability of pH are due to the specific features of regional hydrometeorological conditions in the Black Sea region in different phases of the EAO (in particular, an increase in the frequency of atmospheric cyclones here at EAO+), the accompanying intensification of the mixing of the upper layer of the sea, and biogeochemical processes.

Keywords: deep-water part of the Black Sea, surface layer, composite analysis, pH value, East Atlantic Oscillation.

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