Patterns of spatial organization of vegetation of sea shores

I.V. Agarkova-Lyakh

 Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-1-27-37

UDC 551.468.1+504.732 (262.5+477.75)                                                                                            


   The role of tidal activity and salinization of the environment as factors limiting the development of vegetation on the seashore is highlighted. The species structure and location of plant communities have been found to be determined by the nature of beach sediments and the width of the beach; lithological composition, height, exposure and steepness of coastal slopes or cliffs; features of the coastal relief; distance from the sea.

   It is shown that stressful living conditions on the shore result in a variety of adaptations of plant species, their life forms and development paths in ontogenesis, variations in biometric and population indicators, etc. Ultimately, the view of the seashore plants growing at the seashores is significantly different from the same species living not by the sea.

   Qualitative and quantitative changes in the structure and location of vegetation occurring with a distance from the coastline and a decrease in the depressing effect of the sea on biota are revealed. Thus, in qualitative terms, there is a change in the life forms and species of plants, the composition of communities and the role of halophytes; in quantitative terms, increase in plant height, species diversity and projective coverage are observed. The combination of these changes forms microzonality or zonality in the horizontal location of vegetation.

   A comparative analysis of the development of vegetation on the Crimean shores shows higher species diversity and projective coverage on the accumulative shores due to the greater width of the beaches and distance from the sea, as well as barrier-free migration of plants from the adjacent land. The form of spatial location of vegetation on accumulative banks is characterized by areal, on abrasive – areal and linear development.

Keywords: pseudo- and supralittoral, vegetation oppression, microzonality, species diversity, projective coating, accumulative and abrasive shores, Black Sea coast of Crimea.

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