Results of approbation of the platform prototype of the marine internet of things designed to provide interaction and digital navigation of marine robotic agents

A.A. Kabanov, Y.D. Cheryomukhin, V.A. Kramar, D.V. Bogdanov, V.А. Karapetyan

 Sevastopol State University RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-1-53-63

UDC 629.12                                                                                            


    The projection of the “Internet of Things” concept on the marine industry is irreversible in its implementation. The platforms of the maritime Internet of Things can provide interaction and navigation of heterogeneous and diverse marine robotic means (underwater robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, marine buoys, underwater sonar stations, coastal communication posts, and others), joining them into a single network. For the joint work of these robotic agents, it is necessary to create a unified communication and control system that will allow solving complex navigation and motion control tasks of these agents in order to implement a joint mission. To use a unified approach to data exchange, it is necessary to determine the architecture of such a platform of the maritime Internet of Things. This article presents some of the results of testing the performance of the prototype of the maritime Internet of Things platform, carried out during the demonstration tests. As part of the research work performed at Sevastopol State University on the topic: “Development of the concept and architecture of the maritime Internet of Things platform to ensure interaction and digital navigation of marine robotic agents” (code “Concept”), the architecture of the maritime Internet of Things platform and a variant of its technical implementation were proposed. To confirm the conceptual feasibility of the practical use of heterogeneous robotic agents in the process of performing missions to explore the World Ocean, for the first time, full-scale demonstration tests of maritime IoT were carried out. As a result of the tests, the viability of the proposed “Concept” was confirmed, the limitations of existing technical means were determined, and the ways for further development were proposed.

Keywords: maritime internet of things, underwater internet of things, protocols, architecture, robotic agent.

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