M.V. Volkodaeva1, A.A. Koltsov2, S.D. Timin1
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education
“St. Petersburg Mining University”, RF, St. Petersburg, Vasilevsky Island, 2, line 2
2LLC “Institute of Design, Ecology and Hygiene”, RF, St. Petersburg, Medikov Av., 9, lit. B, room 17N
E-mail: m.volkodaeva@yandex.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-2-59-66
UDC 504.064
In this paper, the authors propose criteria for comparing various small-sized atmospheric pollution control posts, considering the specifics of such measurements. Measuring the concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air has a number of features and is associated with difficulties, such as: the presence of a large number of unmeasured components, weather conditions, limited sensitivity of analyzers, offset of the output signal of the measuring instrument. All these features indicate the need to develop criteria and approaches for comparing small-sized atmospheric pollution control posts, which is the purpose of this work.
Proposed criteria, such as: availability of equipment in the state register of measuring instruments, compliance of measuring instruments with the requirements of basic regulatory documents, operability and reliability, guarantees of the correctness of measurement results, the possibility of adjusting the baseline, the possibility of remote monitoring and control, the experience and reputation of the manufacturer, the price of the technical means and the ability to maintain equipment, divided and painted into more detailed items, highlighting key points.
The use of the approaches and criteria proposed by the authors in the work for comparing small-sized air quality observation posts will allow choosing the most correct measurement tool, and therefore obtaining high-quality information on the concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air: nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, hydrogen sulfide. The use of small-sized posts for the control of other pollutants at the present stage, according to the authors, is very problematic.
Keywords: air quality monitoring, small sensors, measuring instruments, pollutants, state register of measuring instruments.
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