Liquid local density measurement automation based on the hydrostatic method

Y.E. Shishkin

Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-3-58-67

UDC 681.3                                                                                  


One of the most important tasks in ecological and industrial monitoring is to control the state of natural waters, including the ability to measure the density of liquid – a key parameter that determines its physical properties. Accurate measurement of this parameter with high depth resolution is necessary for detecting natural and anthropogenic heterogeneities. The article presents the development of an approach to measuring liquid density using a complementary pair of hydrostatic pressure sensors and analyzing the difference in their readings. This approach has enabled increasing the technological efficiency of measurement devices based on it and improving their sensitivity by reducing the working depths range. The proposed approach is aimed at applications in budget-friendly and disposable density meters for shallow depths while maintaining acceptable accuracy and high measurement speed compared to classical methods. This is critically important for automating laboratory measurements and generating density profiles by depth. The paper presents the design of a laboratory setup for an automated system to measure local liquid density. It also provides the results of simulation modeling, testing on a laboratory stand, and the derivation of operational formulas for use in technical measurement systems based on the proposed approach. The developed system has automated the generation of a profile of local liquid density by depth and increased the speed of point measurements compared to classical laboratory methods.

Keywords: mathematical modeling, marine environment, local liquid density, measurement automation, express analysis.

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