Control of the shoreline accretion process during the creation of artificial island construction through the use of sediments from deep horizons

A.E. Shchodro1, S.L. Chernykh1, A.N. Sorokin2

 1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


2IP “Sorokin A.N.”


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-3-87-97 

UDC 627.8:911.9                                                                                                                                       


The article discusses technical aspects of the alluviation of beach areas due to sediments coming from remote areas of the sea shelf to the coast during a storm. It is proposed at first to build small artificial islands at some distance from the coastline, and then, using the “tombolo” effect or some artificial methods, to build traverses – artificial spits connecting the coast with the island; in the future, using the designs of wave-damping and beach-restoring structures developed by the authors, to install in the gaps between the islands some special constructions to capture sediments from the wave flow and fill the inter-island space with sediments.

The possibility of controlling the process, i.e., the intensity of such washing, with the help of a rational selection of the height of the bridges – artificial spits between the islands and the beach is shown. Such control can be carried out by adjusting the height of the traverses to be washed by varying the sequence of the construction of islands, the alluvium of natural or artificial spits, and installing special structures for washing out the spaces between islands. The main advantages of the structures used in this case are the use of wind energy and currents to calm the waves, the attraction of sediments to the beach area and their preservation in this zone; the use of helical currents for more efficient damping of wave energy and the transportation and dispersion of solid particles carried by them. New technological advantages appear when using such new materials as glass-basalt plastic, which has strength, durability and relatively low cost. This material can be used in the composition of blocks of wave-damping structures, and in some design options of the artificial islands themselves.

Keywords: beaches, sediment alluvium, tombolo, hydraulic structures, sediment transport.

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