I.V. Ovsyannikova, L.R. Asfandiyarova, G.V. Khakimova, M.S. Luzina, G.S. Latypova, N.F. Shafeeva
Institute of Chemical Technologies and Engineering of Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
in the City of Sterlitamak, RF, Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak, Av. Octyabrya, 2
E-mail: inna.ovsyannikova.80@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-3-98-102
UDC 543.97
This paper presents the results of the study of the eutrophication of the surface waters in the Pavlovsky reservoir according to the method of PND F T 14.1: 2: 4.19-2015.It is known that, when creating reservoirs, the flow slows down and stops. This results in the accumulation of a significant amount of biogenic and organic substances in the backup zone, in which a vast area of flooding is formed. The bottom serves as an additional factor in enriching water with biogenic and organic substances due to leaching from the soil and decomposition of flooded vegetation. The temperature and light conditions change, and the increasing siltation reduces the oxygen content in the water column, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions from the surface of reservoirs. The paper proposes to use the average length of watercress seedlings of the variety ” Zabava” as the “eutrophication coefficient”. The paper presents the results of the study of the surface waters of the Pavlovsky reservoir for the period 2012, 2013 and 2022.
A comparative analysis of the results of the eutrophication indices obtained during the study period shows that the eutrophication of the surface waters of the Pavlovsky reservoir in 2022 is lower than in the studied waters of 2012 and 2013. However, the study duration does not yet allow us to draw a conclusion on the increase or decrease in the level of eutrophication and the change in greenhouse gas emissions in the studied area of the Pavlovsky reservoir. Further research is needed.
Keywords: biotesting, watercress, surface waters, toxicity, correlation coefficient, eutrophication, greenhouse gases.
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