L.L. Smyrnova1, E.V. Katunina2, O.S. Sizova1
1Institute of Natural & Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
2Sevastopol branch of the State Oceanographic Institute named after N.N. Zubova,
RF, Sevastopol, Sovetskaj St., 61
E-mail: inik48@inbox.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-3-103-113
UDC 551.557.550.424
The paper shows the variability of the rainfall pH value sampled at the Sevastopol Hydrometeorological Station, and its dependence on atmospheric circulation and duration of rains. Studies conducted from 2009 to 2016 reveal that, since 2013, there has been a tendency to shift the pH of rains to a more acidic area, which is especially pronounced in the summer and autumn seasons. In these seasons, with the dominance of marine and continental winds, the amount of rainfall increases with pH values <6.00. The main potential sources of enrichment of the surface layers of the Heraclea Peninsula troposphere with compounds acidifying raindrops are considered − numerous methane sips (sources of CO2) on its shelf and in bays. In the winter season, with north-easterly winds carrying precipitation to the Heraclea Peninsula, hydrogen sulfide lakes and underwater mud volcanoes on the Kerch Peninsula and its shelf affect their exorbitant enrichment. It is shown that the pH of rainwater collected at the beginning of the rain, washing out the pollutants accumulated in the surface layers of the troposphere in the area of the Sevastopol Hydrometeorological Station, is characterized by higher alkaline values, pH ˃7.25, than the samples taken during its termination. The results obtained allow us to note that alkaline compounds accumulate in the surface layers of the Heraclea Peninsula troposphere. One of the potential sources of such compounds is the discharge of untreated domestic wastewater into its coastal waters and bays.
Keywords: Heraclea Peninsula, rainfall, pH value, sources of troposphere pollution.
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