S.Yu. Samoylov1, V.P. Evstigneev1,2, V.A. Naumova1
1Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
2Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: vald_e@rambler.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-3-114-122
UDC 551.584.2
In the paper, a linear regression relationship is found between the indicators of atmospheric pollution potential (PPA) and meteorological potential of the atmosphere (MPA) according to the data of the AMSG Simferopol station. Assuming that the MPA directly or indirectly takes into account all the differences in the conditions of accumulation and dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere between the two regions, the regression coefficients established for the Simferopol region were assumed to be similar for the Sevastopol region. According to the calculation, the average annual PPA value in Sevastopol is 2.46, which makes it possible to attribute the territory to a zone with moderate pollution potential. A positive trend in the annual values of PPA was revealed and estimated, which is mainly related to the change in wind characteristics in the region – a decrease in the frequency of windy days (with wind speeds of 6 m/s and more) and an increase in the frequency of days with weak winds (0–1 m/s).
The rather close relationship between the PPA and the MPA, revealed by the data of the Simferopol AMSG, confirms the well-known prospect of using the MPA for the tasks of assessing the potential conditions of atmospheric pollution in the region. To calculate the MPA, the information available at any station of the Roshydromet network is used. This made it possible to express a bolder hypothesis about the existence of a more general fundamental relationship between PPA and MPA, which can be identified on the basis of a generalized study of as many aerological stations as possible related to different physical, geographical and aerosynoptic conditions of accumulation and dispersion of pollution in the atmosphere.
Keywords: climate monitoring, atmospheric pollution potential, meteorological atmospheric potential, Sevastopol region, empirical relationship, linear trend.
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